Rabiya Atta
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Well honestly, I was not sure about starting out this POMODORO task, since I felt it wasnt that important but once I went through the instructions things tend to be pretty different. Painting is what I decided to do as a part of this task and normally what distracts me when I try to paint are my whatsapp notification and me switching songs that fits with that mood perfectly.
So for both these things, I set up a playlist so that I don't have to keep changing it frequently and focus completely on what I'm trying to paint and also I turned ny wifi off which honestly has helped me out a lot for sure.

It was a little difficult to not use your phone while you paint because we are in a constant phase of having our phones in our hand for literally no specific reason but giving an overall view it was challenging but fun at the same time.
I normally take 4 hours to complete a painting but this way I was able to achieve the same result in less than 2 hours which was a happy moment for me and I felt accomplished.

As far as the experience is concerned I personally enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend it to anyone facing time management and focus issues. The feeling of pushing yourself to achieve something is just amazing. When you look at yourself, look for your limits and push yourself through them makes you feel like now you have accomplished something in life. All you need to do it divert your focus to a single task you are performing and the outcome will surprise you surely.

#AmalAcademy #Eatthatfrogwithapomodoro

